
IPAC is a place where like-minded legislators come together, united in the belief that only by standing together and demanding accountability from China, will democratic countries uphold the rules-based system.

Why IPAC Was Founded


A Shifting Dynamic

IPAC grew out of a developing consensus that the assumptions that once underpinned our engagement with Beijing no longer correspond to reality. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the Chinese Communist Party is increasingly authoritarian at home and ever more assertive abroad.

The Need For Response


Confronting the PRC's Rise

Developing a coherent response to the rise of the People's Republic of China as led by the Chinese Communist Party is a defining challenge for the world’s democratic states that transcends party politics and international borders.

How We Work?


Leadership and Execution

IPAC’s campaigns and strategy are set by the Co-Chairs, who establish consensus through discussion, and then action their plans. The Secretariat exists to assist the Co-Chairs and Members in the implementation of their campaigns.



Each legislature within IPAC is led by two Co-Chairs, who are senior politicians drawn from ideologically diverse political parties.



In many regions of IPAC, Co-Chairs are joined by an active membership of sitting politicians.



The IPAC Secretariat works to support Co-Chairs and Members. The Secretariat is also assisted by a group of advisors.


Alumni Council

The IPAC Alumni Council is an association of former IPAC members that continue to serve and support the Alliance.

Strategies for impact


Key Activities

Our activities take place on a global and local level and fall into three broad and overlapping categories


Enhancing the visibility of issues related to China, facilitating informed discussion around key issues, and advocating for impactful policy solutions.


Supporting lawmakers in their efforts to achieve legislative change.


Building a network to connect, advise and support like minded lawmakers.

Supporting Freedom


Our Partners

IPAC is a not-for-profit organisation, we pride ourselves on our independence, political diversity and ability to bring about change. We rely on the contributions of individual partners and private foundations who share our vision.

Fundraising Policy

IPAC's fundraising policy was negotiated by our Co-Chairs in 2020. IPAC does not accept money from governments. Our donors are vetted by a committee made up of lawmakers representative of the ideological and geographical breadth of the network. The role of the committee is to apply the policy.

Those giving to IPAC do so on the explicit understanding that they will not attempt to influence the work of our Co-Chairs or Members, or the strategic direction of the organisation.

IPAC’s Co-Chairs delegate day to day governance matters to a group of Non-Executive Directors, who report to Co-Chairs regularly.

IPAC is the largest country-focused group of lawmakers in the world. We pride ourselves on our independence, political diversity and ability to nudge change. We are reliant on the contributions of those who share our vision.

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